Fort Knox Home Security

6 Home Security Tips to a (nearly) Carefree Christmas

We can’t guarantee you’ve bought the right gifts, but these 6 tips will help put your mind at ease when it comes to home security.

1. Vacation home security checks are the best go-to service during the holiday season! MOST local law enforcement offices offer a service to cruise by your residence periodically while you are travelling. Just give your local law enforcement office a call to ask if they offer this service in your area. BEFORE you leave for your holiday you can even schedule to have a local officer asses your property for security improvements.

2. Purchase and/or update your home security system. If you don’t own a system, there is no time like the present to make an investment in your home’s security. If you already have a system in place, check the motion detectors to ensure nothing accidental like a curtain will set it off. Also, let your security company know of your vacation and any contact information for you. If you plan on having a friend or family member swing by to check on your home or furry friends you may also want to give your security company their phone number in case of an accidental trip of the alarm.

3. Secure all possible points of entry, like doors, windows, and even the chimney! Check all of the locks, doors and windows, making sure they are functioning correctly and securely. Repair any damage to points of entry such as cracks. Sliding glass doors should also have a bar that keep intruders from shimmying them open.

4. Stop mail and newspaper delivery, this keeps suspected burglars from noticing you’re out for an extended stay. To put a hold on your deliveries just give your local post office and newspaper service a call and have your mail put on a vacation hold. Another way to get around your mail stacking up without telling more people you are going to be away from your home for a while, ask a relative or a trusted friend to visit, maybe even stay, at your residence while you’re gone.

5. Conceal valuables away from windows and other points of view into the home. If possible, hide all precious and expensive items locked away or in a safe. Find an unusual or difficult hiding spot for a spare key, try not to choose an obvious place, like under a rock near the door.

6. Discard any signs you have expensive items in the house, like a brand new flat screen TV box at your curb. MOST cities offer a day or weekend service to discard of your large boxes, call or check your local government’s website for updates on community events such as these.

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